Six more of my best 12/5/2024


Six more of my best 12/5/2024

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Meeting summary for Falling Awake Webinar 12/5/2024
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Quick recap
Dave Ellis led a webinar focused on creating a better life using six strategies, encouraging participants to share their experiences and reflect on personal growth. The meeting covered topics such as loving all aspects of life, taking responsibility for one’s reactions, and inventing new ways to be successful. Participants shared their personal journeys and challenges, while Dave emphasized the importance of self-awareness, humor, and integrity in facing life’s difficulties.
Next steps
• All participants to practice loving everything in their lives, including difficult circumstances.
• All participants to focus on listening fully without preparing responses while others are speaking.
• All participants to give and keep their word, making and following through on commitments.
• All participants to take responsibility for their circumstances and reactions rather than blaming others.
• All participants to remember their core values and live according to them.
• Interested participants to join Dave and his daughter’s upcoming webinar on reviewing and releasing 2024.
Falling Awake Webinar Kickoff Meeting
Dave Ellis welcomed everyone to the Falling Awake Webinar and encouraged participants to unmute themselves, say hello to others, and write notes. He also mentioned that the meeting was being recorded and transcribed. Dave acknowledged the presence of several familiar faces and expressed hope that Joanne would join despite her recent heart surgery. He also thanked his staff, particularly Stan, for their contributions. The meeting was co-hosted by Bill Rentz, who would admit new participants and manage the mute settings.
Creating a Better Life Through Strategies
Dave Ellis led a webinar focused on creating a better life using six strategies. He emphasized the importance of inspiration and invention, and shared how he transformed a difficult year into a fulfilling one by applying these strategies. Dave also introduced JoAnne Bangs, who recently overcame a health challenge and expressed her gratitude for the support she received. The webinar aimed to inspire participants to create positive changes in their lives and to consider new strategies for personal growth.
Dave’s Personal Journey and Webinar
In the meeting, Dave Ellis acknowledged his long-standing partnership with Stan, who has been instrumental in the creation of his books. He also thanked Bill Rentz for his contributions to the webinar. Dave then asked participants to share their experiences and any questions they had from the previous webinar. He shared his personal journey of overcoming drug and alcohol abuse, a major health problem, and the loss of a loved one to dementia. He emphasized the importance of focusing on the present, journaling daily, and creating a clear picture of the ideal future.
Reflecting on Personal Growth and Challenges
In the meeting, Dave Ellis encouraged the participants to reflect on their personal growth and challenges. He suggested that they write down their discoveries about themselves and any questions they had from the previous week. Dave also shared some ideas from a previous webinar and asked for feedback. Pam Morris shared her personal journey, expressing her desire to find a new project to engage in, despite her age. She also shared her experiences with learning about internet settings and fixing a propane water heater for her tenant. Dave praised Pam’s involvement and encouraged others to share their experiences.
Personal Journeys, Goals, and Challenges
In this meeting segment, the participants discuss their personal journeys, goals, and challenges. Dave Torrey expresses feeling overwhelmed by choices regarding his involvement in political activism and spending time with family. Pam interrupts to share a tsunami warning for the San Francisco area. Rabbi Brian shares that he has discovered he is more anxious than he thought and intends to be compassionate with himself. Paul, a recovery coach, talks about his new endeavor of public speaking at age 74. Ray commits to resuming journaling daily to reflect on what worked and what didn’t. Dave Ellis encourages everyone to consider what they can do to create a more wonderful life in the coming week.
New Living Methods and Strategies
Dave Ellis presented six new ideas for living or methods of living, which he had previously referred to as ‘tools’ or ‘power processes’. The first idea he discussed was ‘loving it all’, which involves accepting and embracing all aspects of life, including suffering and loss. He suggested using the strategy of ‘zooming out’ to gain a broader perspective and see the bigger picture. He also emphasized the importance of loving oneself and accepting one’s character flaws. Dave also mentioned his commitment to activism without antagonism, suggesting a future webinar or article on the topic.
Personal Growth and Effective Communication
In the meeting, Dave Ellis discussed three key ideas for personal growth and development. The first idea was to be funny without antagonism, emphasizing the importance of humor in communication. The second idea was to listen fully, without self-interruption or anticipation of a response, and to actively listen for what’s working, what’s not, and what the other person wants. The third idea was to give and keep one’s word, emphasizing the importance of integrity and keeping promises. Dave then asked the participants to spend two minutes reflecting on these ideas and how they could apply them in their lives. Charles shared his commitment to love all aspects of life and take responsibility for what he receives, turning it into a more contributing and effective life.
Embracing Life’s Challenges and Beauty
In the meeting, Dave Ellis led a discussion on the theme of “loving it all,” encouraging participants to share their strategies for embracing all aspects of life. Jean DeVenney shared her struggles with accepting difficult circumstances, such as the loss of her husband, and her realization that she needed to listen to herself more. She also discussed her tendency to categorize things as good or bad, and the importance of accepting everything as part of one whole. Bill Zuelke shared his strategy of looking for beauty in every circumstance, and Chuck Eisen discussed the importance of not holding an ideal as a possibility, but rather as a practice to be repeated when one falls short. The conversation ended with Dave Ellis emphasizing the importance of self-acceptance and humor in the face of challenges.
Taking Responsibility for Reactions and Assumptions
Dave Ellis discussed the importance of taking responsibility for everything, including one’s reactions and responses to circumstances. He emphasized that while one may not have created certain situations, such as poverty or illness, they are responsible for their reactions to these situations. Dave also highlighted the power of assumptions, stating that they are always one’s creation and can be changed to improve life. He suggested that this tool is particularly useful in coaching, as it allows individuals to reframe their assumptions and improve their circumstances.
Self-Awareness and Personal Growth Strategies
Dave Ellis emphasized the importance of self-awareness and refraining from blame in personal and professional relationships. He suggested considering alternative interpretations of others’ actions, such as a lack of skill or a personal crisis, rather than labeling them as irresponsible. Dave also stressed the importance of remembering one’s own identity and values, and not being defined by possessions, opinions, or actions. He encouraged the participants to invent their own ways to be successful and to create a better life for themselves. The focus of future webinars was to be on invention and self-improvement.
Dave’s Journey Overcoming Challenges
In the meeting, Dave Ellis shared his personal journey of overcoming physical challenges and addiction. He detailed how he sought medical advice from multiple specialists, including a neurologist, before receiving a diagnosis of silent strokes and essential tremors. Dave also credited his friend Bill for encouraging him to seek treatment for his alcohol addiction, which he successfully completed. The team expressed appreciation for Dave’s openness and the support he received from his community.
Inventing Strategies for Personal Growth
Anna shared her strategies for inventing new strategies, which include consulting her life coach, Joanne Bangs, and her sister Theta. Dave Ellis encouraged the group to attend his future webinars, which will focus on strategies for personal growth. He also invited everyone to a webinar with his daughter, focusing on completing the year and launching into the next year more powerfully. The group was reminded of the purpose of the meeting: to improve the quality of their lives using the 9 new strategies. The conversation ended with a round of greetings and well-wishes.
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