Launching the year powerfully
56 minutes
End of year completion exercises
Falling Awake Community Webinar SERIES
43 1-hour programs
Falling Awake Webinar SERIES
Nine 1-hour programs
Falling Awake Workshop SERIES
Twelve 1-hour programs
Life Coaching Training SERIES
Stop being so reasonable
6 minutes
Fostering Creativity
2 minutes
Victim or Victor
5 minutes
Leadership – My best idea
3 minutes
Bringing Confidence
10:33 minutes
Add Variety
Ending a Coaching Relationship
5:49 minutes
Go to bed hungry
7:01 minutes
Give up cause and effect
11:43 minutes
Create creation
12:12 minutes
New Technology in Coaching
14:53 minutes
Mental Disorders
13:08 minutes
Pretend the other knows
18:39 minutes
Resistant Co-workers and Clients
15:25 minutes
Send on purpose
9:35 minutes
Stop tolerating a life this wonderful
5:02 minutes
Take a break
18:40 minutes
Taking notes for your client
15:19 minutes
Think it through
18:11 minutes
Using video in coaching
7:19 minutes
Practice values and seek feedback
14:12 minutes
Focus on the result not the pathway
Write your own self help book
25:08 minutes
Sample of Dave’s public talks
7:14 minutes
Visioning – And where, by when, with whom
5:29 minutes
6:33 minutes
Managing Agreements
5:37 minutes
Planning sets you free
6:35 minutes
Frustrating Headlines
2:31 minutes
Distress Management
3:56 minutes
Managing Tension – Body Scan Practice
5:38 minutes
Managing Tension – Body Scan Introduction
3:25 minutes
Managing Tension – Breathing
4:53 minutes
Managing Worry – Zoom out
5:00 minutes
Managing Worry – Talk it through
6:20 minutes
Managing Tension – Exercise
4:56 minutes
Managing Worry – Worry it to death
3:40 minutes
3:19 minutes
Leadership – You are a leader
3:20 minutes
When an issue seems to be black & white
6:09 minutes
Fill yourself up and THEN give yourself away
2:33 minutes
Coaching Sharon
23:31 minutes
Coaching Will
15:23 minutes
Coaching Rosemary
20:34 minutes
Coaching Rachel
Recreate the Language to Bring a Strategy to Life
5:23 minutes
Coaching Paula
17:22 minutes
The Real World Doesn’t Exist for You
7:33 minutes
Moving from Grrr to Great
1:04 minutes
Centering Through Archery