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Investing time and energy to define or redefine your values, and then align your actions with them is one if the a pivotal opportunities of Falling Awake. Our Programs and Materials offer many opportunities to experiment with a wide variety of strategies.

Investing time and energy to define or redefine your values, and then align your actions with them is one if the a pivotal opportunities of Falling Awake. Our Programs and Materials offer many opportunities to experiment with a wide variety of strategies.


The following set of values summarize core wisdom from the world’s great traditions, both Eastern and Western and reflect the values held by many in the Falling Awake Community.

Think of each value that appears in bold type as a way to complete the sentence, “I value being…” Listed under each value is a set of words or a few sentences that further define its meaning. You can use these ideas as a starting point in developing your own list of values.

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Investing time and energy to define or redefine your values, and then align your actions with them is one if the a pivotal opportunities of Falling Awake. Our Programs and Materials offer many opportunities to experiment with a wide variety of strategies.

The following set of values summarize core wisdom from the world’s great traditions, both Eastern and Western and reflect the values held by many in the Falling Awake Community.

Think of each value that appears in bold type as a way to complete the sentence, “I value being…” Listed under each value is a set of words or a few sentences that further define its meaning. You can use these ideas as a starting point in developing your own list of values.

  1. Determine what you want. Trust your desires and create a bold, detailed vision for the long-term future.
  2. Tell the truth. Speak candidly, make promises, and align your actions with your words.
  3. Move toward love. Be willing to release antagonism, and embrace problems as a step toward solving them.
  4. Take responsibility. In any situation, ask How did I create this? and How can I create a new result?
  5. Lighten your load. Move toward bliss by letting go of your attachments and expectations, and by choosing new ways to manage distress.
  6. Focus your awareness. Release mental distractions and pay exquisite attention to moment-to-moment choices.
  7. Listen fully. Open up to receiving any message— compliments, criticisms, or whatever the world is sending you in the moment.
  8. Choose your conversations. Understand the role of conversations in creating your world, and enter conversations with care.
  9. Change your habits. Take the mystery out of personal transformation by following three simple steps to make consistent changes in your behavior.
  10. Persist. When faced with a problem, look beyond the first solutions that occur to you, and stay in action until you get what you want.
  11. Contribute. As you get more of what you want in life, find added joy by assisting others to get what they want.
  12. Celebrate. Constantly notice what you enjoy about your life right now, and go for fun.

Investing time and energy to define or redefine your values, and then align your actions with them is one if the a pivotal opportunities of Falling Awake. Our Programs and Materials offer many opportunities to experiment with a wide variety of strategies.

The following set of values summarize core wisdom from the world’s great traditions, both Eastern and Western and reflect the values held by many in the Falling Awake Community.


Think of each value that appears in bold type as a way to complete the sentence, “I value being…” Listed under each value is a set of words or a few sentences that further define its meaning. You can use these ideas as a starting point in developing your own list of values.


  • Honest
  • Reliable
  • Trustworthy
  • Dependable
  • Responsible

Being accountable includes making and keeping agreements—operating with integrity.