
Dave Ellis Leadership Books
Falling Awake: Creating the life of your dreams

Falling Awake is based on Twelve Success Strategies that can help you get what you want and create the life of your dreams, no matter what your history or current circumstances. You can use these strategies to create a life rich with authentic happiness, deep intimacy, vibrant health, full celebration, meaningful contribution, and most of whatever else you want.

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Human Being - Dave Ellis
Human Being: A manual for happiness, health, love, and wealth

The is a comprehensive manual of human effectiveness strategies. The five parts include:

  • Power Processes: 21 unique strategies for solving any problem or achieving any goal
  • Happiness: three chapters dealing with unhappiness, problems, and generating happiness
  • Health: six chapters dealing with changing habits, nutrition, exercise, relaxation, and health-related resource
  • Love: seven chapters  on dealing with communication, parenting, romance, leadership, conflict resolution, and diversity
  • Wealth: five chapters dealing with time management, long-range visioning, money, career, and contribution.
Life Coaching by Dave Ellis
Life Coaching: A manual for helping professionals

This manual is specifically designed for therapists, counselors, and other helping professionals who are looking to add life coaching techniques to their portfolio of skills. Dave Ellis has produced a step-by-step practical guide to turning your natural people-helping skills into a profitable life coaching business. Life coaching is not therapy, but many of the qualities that therapists possess and the techniques they use naturally lend themselves to a life coaching approach.

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Becoming A Master Student
Becoming A Master Student (9th Edition)

Becoming a Master Student is a best-selling textbook used in college courses. It has made a difference in the lives of millions of students. Many readers have discovered the power of self-responsibility for the first time. Others have changed a habit or managed their time more effectively. This book offers hundreds of strategies for success in school and for success in life.

Inside tip: This book is currently in its 16th edition ($118.95) but Dave’s favorite is the 9th (available used for about $5 including shipping).

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Creating Your Future
Creating Your Future: Five steps to the life of your dreams

Creating Your Future guides you through a five-step process to determine what you want and ways to get it. You can:
1. Commit by declaring your intentions to improve your life
2. Create goals to energize your vision
3. Construct a comprehensive plan for your life
4. Carry out goals one by one
5. Celebrate each achievement, however small

The result of these steps will be living the life of your dreams.

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Career Planning
Career Planning (2nd edition)

Career Planning is a college textbook that could change your life. The prospect of planning a career can be daunting. This book leads you on an exciting journey of self-discovery. You will discover your values, your dreams, and your strengths. And in the process, you may discover your life’s work.

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Learning Power
Learning Power

Learning Power is intended for students in late middle school and early high school. Strategies include ways to handle homework, take tests, manage time, and excel in basic academic subjects. Students can learn general guidelines for success and become master learners in any area. Topics and exercises in this hardback book are linked to an accompanying workbook.

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After reading Falling Awake, I feel clearer about almost everything. Even truths I thought I already knew seem more natural and easily attainable. This book is a beautiful presentation of some wondrous thoughts about the things that matter most.

- Marianne Williamson

Author, Illuminata and The Healing of America

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